Frisch Konrad Horsch. Konrad hirschler is currently considered a single author. if one or more works are by a distinct, homonymous authors, go ahead and split the author. A social and cultural history of reading practices.
Konrad leo horsch tischlerei mit sitz in iserlohn ist in der creditreform firmendatenbank in dem geschäftsfeld herstellung von sonstigen konstruktionsteilen, fertigbauteilen, ausbauelementen und.
Konrad hirschler has been professor of islamic studies at freie universität berlin since 2016 and was previously professor of middle eastern history at soas/university of. Konrad hirschler, reader in the history of the near and middle east at soas talks about how jihad treatises and poetry against the crusaders started and how. Authors as actors, which can be purchased at a lower price at. A social and cultural history of reading practices.